July 2024 Update: Residual Designation Authority (RDA) Activities Underway for the Charles, Neponset, and Mystic River Watersheds
Permit Update
EPA continues to develop the draft permit and related documents. If you have thoughts or questions on the development of the permit contact EPA at [email protected].
EPA continues to update the parcel-level datasets for the Charles River Watershed. Where relevant, updated municipal-specific information fact sheets will be available at the end of summer.
Stakeholder Outreach and Tools
EPA published a 2-page information sheet (pdf) in June that explains stormwater pollution, EPA's residual designation authority, and the potential impacts this permit may have on communities in general terms. This information sheet has been translated into relevant languages and translations are now available.
- Arabic (pdf)
- Brazilian Portuguese (pdf)
- Cantonese (pdf)
- French (pdf)
- Haitian Creole (pdf)
- Italian (pdf)
- Russian (pdf)
- Spanish (pdf)
- Vietnamese (pdf)
Lastly, CBI facilitated five virtual focus groups to identify challenges and brainstorm solutions for the RDA permit. The focus groups occurred in June 2024. In the focus group sessions, EPA sought feedback on a set of permit implementation topics as outlined in these questions. The five focus groups were supported by: (1) 495 Partnership, (2) Colleges, universities, and hospitals, (3) municipalities, (4) NAIOP, (5) watershed associations. Focus groups discussed permit phasing, redevelopment, offsite mitigation, minimizing pollutant reduction, and the overlap between the MS4 and RDA permits. EPA was not seeking agreement or consensus from focus group participants, but rather informed input from individual focus group participants. CBI prepared a summary report (pdf) that captures the range of views and opinions expressed and should in no way be seen as generating a singular approach, path, or recommendation, but a diverse set of views, advice, and ideas.