NPDES eReporting Help
EPA is working collaboratively with states to implement the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Electronic Reporting rule (NPDES eRule). EPA and states are converting the following paper reports to electronic:
- Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs);
- general permit reports (e.g., Notices of Intent to discharge in compliance with a general permit); and
- other specified program reports.
EPA split implementation of the NPDES eRule into two phases. Please see below for how to get help with the different EPA and state NPDES electronic reporting tools that support these two implementation phases.
Phase 1 Implementation
The compliance deadlines for Phase 1 of the NPDES eRule were 21 December 2016 and included Discharge Monitoring Reports (or “DMRs”) and Sewage Sludge/Biosolids Annual Program Reports, where EPA implements the biosolids program (40 CFR part 503).
States may elect to use EPA’s electronic reporting tool for DMRs (called “NetDMR”) or build their own state electronic discharge monitoring report (state eDMR) systems. This webpage provides contacts for EPA Regions and states that use NetDMR.
- NetDMR – Please access the NetDMR Help Center and Ask A Question if you are located in a state that uses NetDMR.
- State eDMR – Please contact your state regulatory agency if you are located in a state that has its own electronic report tool for DMRs.
Biosolids Annual Reports
EPA runs the Federal biosolids program (40 CFR part 503) in 41 states as well as in all territories and tribal lands. Facilities in these states and lands should use the Biosolids Annual Report Guide to gather more information on how to use NeT-Biosolids to electronically sign and submit this annual report as well as how to request help.
Phase 2 Implementation
Electronic submission of all other reports and notices covered by the NPDES eRule are part of Phase 2 implementation. States may elect to use EPA’s electronic reporting tool for these Phase 2 reports (called NPDES Electronic Reporting Tool or “NeT”) or build their own state electronic reporting tools.
The online “NPDES eRule Phase 2 Implementation Dashboard” provides an inventory of all general permits and program reports covered by the NPDES eRule. This dashboard also identifies the EPA or state electronic reporting tool that NPDES-regulated entities should use for each general permit or program report submission. This dashboard also provides an updated view of EPA’s progress in deploying NPDES electronic reporting tools for Phase 2 general permits and program reports.
- NeT – Please access the NeT Help Center if you are located in a state that uses NeT to learn more about each Phase 2 report and how to request help. This includes facilities in South Dakota, Texas, and Utah that need to file a biosolids annual report. These three states have also elected to use NeT-Biosolids to collect these annual reports.
- State Phase 2 Tools – Please contact your state regulatory agency if you are located in a state that has its own electronic report tool for Phase 2 reports.